Monday, December 3, 2007

SOA in the IdM

Here is a definition of SOA given in the article found at - its a short understandable definition;
"SOA. Service-oriented architecture refers to a paradigm that focuses on how you maximize the sharing, reuse and interoperability of distributed corporate resources across your network. And to maximize sharing, reuse, etc., you need a universal middleware environment, an integration fabric, a set of standards. So that comes down to things like the Web services standards" and I would add LDAP and SQL to these standards, don't keep this idea only in the world of external users, internet, or even intranet - use these concepts at the data integration level inside your IT deployments, especially in the IdM services space....

Virtual Directories are such a middleware component that can accomplish this. SOA is here if you want it, or you can wait until the vendors catch up and start helping you understand how to use their products....

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